Maths & Life got awarded in Germany
This was awesome – last week the German translation of our book Maths & Life won a JugendSachbuchPreis 2024. The entire team is really proud: Ionica Smeets, who I wrote the book with, Floor de Goede, who made the illustrations and comics, and Sylke Hachmeister, who translated the book into German.
In Germany the book has had several printruns up til now, and it was published by Carlsen as Mathe fürs Leben, Oder wie lange brauche ich zu Fuss zum Mond. Our agent Élaine Michon went to the award ceremony and accepted the prize on our behalf. The yearly four books that get awarded with this JugendSachbuchPreis are awarded by the Verein für Leseförderung, and here you’ll find more information.
Thank you so much!!!